Strikethrough gmail 2

How To Strikethrough Text In Gmail And Other Usability Tricks In 2021

Gmail strikethrough is what you need to know in the era of online work and digital office places. Especially in this global pandemic time when most of the companies are emphasizing on the ‘work from home mode’ of work, the importance of online work becomes more important. 

Also, we realized that our office work is nothing but attainting some phone calls, receiving and replying to some of the official mails, and nothing else. 

In whatever field we are working, or whatever job profile we have, we always need to send some official mails to our colleagues and clients. 

Even in other daily life situations, we need to send some important emails to the higher authorities to which we have to contact, and emails are one of the most common platforms for communicating with them. 



 Q 1. How do you strikethrough text in Gmail?

Answer : There are plenty of methods in which you can strikethrough text in Gmail and make your emails more effective.  While some say it is impossible to edit your email body in Gmail, some know the answer to this question.  There are many tricks by using which you can make your text more clear and impactful on the readers by strikethrough it using those tricks. 


 Q 2. How do you strikethrough text in the email?

Answer: Although the feature of strikethrough is not available in Gmail, but other email platforms such as Outlook, Yahoo, and many other provides this feature to their users. 

Each mail platform differs in this strikethrough feature and has its own settings for strikethrough. 

If you are using Yahoo, then to strikethrough the text, you have to choose the strikethrough option in the toolbar, and similarly for other emails also you would find the option of strikethrough in their toolbar only.  But sometimes they are found in different names, so you have to explore them, and then you can start writing your mail. 


Q3. How do you strikethrough in Google?

To strikethrough your text in Google, you need to first choose the letters or sentences which you want to strikethrough. After the selection, go to the option ‘format’ and under this setting, select the strikethrough option to make your text in Gmail strikethrough in any other application. 

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Why Strikethrough Text In Gmail Is Important 

Before jumping to the tricks to strikethrough text in Gmail, we should acquire some knowledge about its importance and why you should know about it. 

Well, if you are a reader or a scholar person, then you know the importance of highlighting a text. While reading a book, it is advised to take a highlighter or pencil with you so that you can mark the important points and use them in the future. 

The same purpose is offered by the strikethrough feature in the online mode of work. When you are working, you can’t highlight or mark your important points with a pencil or something like that. 

And that is why the need for a strikethrough emerged. It happens a couple of times that when you are writing something online, then you need to separate some portions of your work, which are more important than others. 

Just like you write a subject in your mail to state the purpose of your mail, when you strikethrough the text in your work, you make that portion different from others and hence attract the attention of the readers. 

In writing mails, sometimes you need to make your some texts highlighted so that the reader could get a clear idea about it, and reads the important thing quickly. 

Also, strikethrough texts are more impactful than the other body of the mail, and make your voice clear, and state the purpose of writing mail. 

Ultimately to make your mails effective and to give a clear idea about to the readers, you need to strikethrough the texts of your mail. 

But if you are using Gmail, then also you would be familiar with the fact that it doesn’t provide a feature to strikethrough your text of the mail.  But you don’t need to worry; in this guide, you would get some of the easy and simple tricks by which you can strikethrough shortcut Gmail

How To Strikethrough Text directly

Strikethrough gmail

You can directly activate Strikethrough in Gmail compose menu. For that simply option compose new mail and click on right side arrow and then select Strikethrough  which show in above images.

Some website also confirm that Strikethrough shortcut which is shift + ctrl+ S but I try and it not working so i don’t recommend

How To Strikethrough Text In Gmail 

If you are impressed by the importance of strikethrough text in Gmail and want to use it to make mails clear and different from others, then this section is only for you, where you would all the tricks to make your text strikethrough in mails. 

First of all, remember this thing that Gmail doesn’t have the proper feature of strikethrough text in mails, but if you want to do it, then also you can do it. 

One of the most common ways is to write your text in some other application in which this feature is available, just like Microsoft Word, and then copy-paste it to Gmail, and it requires the following steps, 

gmail Strikethrough

  • Open MS Word, write your text
  • Choose the option of strikethrough, and make your text accordingly modified
  • Now copy-paste it on the Gmail
  • And in this way, you can strikethrough your text in Gmail
  • You can also follow the same steps in Google Docs, which also offers the feature of strikethrough text 

But that is a long or sometimes complicated procedure. This becomes even more time-consuming when you have to write tons of mails in a day, making their text strikethrough. 

So there are some more ways in which you can strikethrough your text in Gmail itself. 

Bold Your Text In Gmail 

Making your text bold in Gmail also makes your important text separate from others and is equally worth trying. 

For that, you have to follow the steps as below, 

  • Open your Gmail, and choose the button of ‘Compose’
  • Now write select underlined A in the lower part of the main, which could be found adjacent to the ‘send’ button, and many text options would be opened in front of you
  • Now write your mail, and select the text which you want to make bold, and choose the bold ‘B’ for that
  • So now your text is strikethrough by bolding it

It is one of the simplest ways to strikethrough shortcut Gmail and make it stand apart from the rest of the body. 


Highlight Your Text In Gmail 

In Gmail, you can not only make your text bold but also change it by highlighting, either by changing the color of the background or by changing the color of the text. 

Do both you have to follow the below steps, 

  • First of all, open Gmail, and select the tab saying ‘compose’
  • Now write your mail as required
  • After you have completed your mail and now wish to strikethrough the important part of it 
  • Choose the underlined A, and among the options which emerge, choose the color option, and now you can choose the color in which you want to make your text color change or highlight
  • When you choose the color option than generally, there are two color panels that arise, one is for the text, and the second is for the background of the text
  • To change your text color, you have to choose the right side color panel and to change the color of the background, and you have to choose the left side panel


Fast Unsubscribe Your Mail

To make your Gmail more straightforward, just get rid of the junk mails which are no longer needed. 

But strikethrough keyboard shortcut Gmail is not available directly, and you have to follow some tricks to do that. 

If you want to unsubscribe from some of the unnecessary emails, then you have to do the following steps, 

  • First, open your Gmail, and open the mail which you want to unsubscribe
  • Now on the top side, choose the three vertical dots and when it opens, choose the ‘unsubscribe’ tab 
  • Finally, your mail is unsubscribed, and you would not get any further emails from the same sender, so you can keep your mail section clean and sorted


Enable Your Gmail Preview (Right now Lab feature is not available in Gmail )

Another trick of usability is to enable your Gmail preview so that even without opening your mail, you would know about it. 

As Gmail is one of the most used applications by Google, so it offers many such unique features to its users, which are really helpful for them. One such feature is Gmail assist when it offers to sort out your inbox and keep it clean for you. 

If you are using Outlook, then it provides you a preview window, with the help of which, without replying to any mail or opening it, you would scan it and detect that whether it is safe or not. 

That saves you and your system from any kind of malware and viruses which you could be harmful to you. 

Although in Outlook it is an automatic feature but if you want to activate it in your Gmail too, then follow the below steps, 

  • First of all, open Gmail, and select the ‘setting’ option on the right side
  • Now under settings, choose the ‘Labs’ button
  • And under it, select the ‘Preview Lab’ and activate it
  • Now come across the bottom portion of the page and click on ‘save.’ 
  • Now you can go back to the inbox and start using your new setting, which you have changed 

These are some of the tricks which are really useful if you want to strikethrough text of your mail as strikethrough keyboard shortcut Gmail is absent. 

But with these tricks, you can’t only make your text strikethrough in your mails but also makes your inbox tidy and managed, which would help you in your work. 



So here we have talked about how you can strikethrough your text in Gmail and make it more effective and clear in front of the readers. 

For better working experience, you can also use the tricks which are described here to sort most of the chunks in Gmail. 


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