Call Center Memes Download | 50* Call Center Employee Meme

Every once in a while, we get calls from various call centers. Be it call centers of telecom giants, banks or some other place, calls from these centers always annoy us. But it is not always us who get irritated. Sometimes even call center agents get all fussy owing to their job profile. That’s the reason people came up with Call center memes. Memes have taken the social media by storm. Every now and then we come across a meme which highlights certain stark reality fact. Before looking for the best call center memes, let’s us first tell you what memes are and what changes have they brought into our social media life…


What is a meme?

You remember going through cartoon clips with messages in everyday newspaper, right? Well, meme is just a similar version of that. People love to go through such ideas and opinions expressed in the form of cartoon clips in the newspapers. But now newspapers have been massively replaced by e-newspapers and that is how memes came into existence. They are basically cartoons clippings from various sources with a message in them. The tinge of humor in them is what makes memes a favorite among the people nowadays.

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Memes usually have funny and sarcastic comments about various day to day situations or people’s nature. You can also find some memes which describe a particularly annoying or funny nature of your center memes images

In such cases, you can tag your friend in it or share it on his Facebook wall. You can easily download memes from below and tag your friend in them and share them on your social media pages like Facebook and Twitter. It does not necessarily mean that you share the memes on your social media page.

call center memes images

You can also share it over messages through messaging apps like WhatsApp and Hike.

We have collected some of the funniest and Chandler-level-sarcastic memes right here. Most of them are work and call center memes that a frustrated middle-class corporate worker can relate to.

call center memes images

Working at a call center requires a whole different level of patience because you will be interacting with numerous annoying customers on call throughout the day. All the below memes are about such irritating situations that a call center worker usually comes across in his every life.

call center memes images


We all love to share memes on Facebook and WhatsApp. WhatsApp groups are always flooded with funny memes. One of the most popular memes at present are the call center memes. You can also check Veterans day meme.


Funniest call center memes for download Right Now.

Some of the funny topics on which people post call center Funny memes are mentioned below. Call Center agents can easily relate themselves to these…

call center memes images

Call Center Meme Collection For Long Working Hour:



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Working hours at call centers have always been around 10-12 hours a day. People get all blue in the face when their working hours get extended on busy days.


 Funny call center memes For Wink and your break is over


As if long working hours are not enough! Your breaks seem to end within minutes and that drives you mad


Dumb Customers in Call Center Meme:


Call Center MemesCall Center Memes

When an agent gets all caught up with a dumbo on the other side of the call, only he can know how bad his day is going. Sometimes it becomes just impossible to make a customer understand. The poor fellow can neither shout at the customer risking his career, nor make him/her understand….poor soul.


The customer who never shuts up call center memes:

Call Center MemesCall Center Memes

You must have come across such customers if you have ever worked at a call center. They ask for your advice and then go all blah blah blah… Agents be like “Well if you need my advice, would you minding shutting up for a second and hear me out?”

Call Center Memes



Verbal Abuse call center memes:

Call Center MemesCall Center Memes

On most days at work, you must have come across some crabbed customers who don’t give a shit about your advice and keep holing on the phone. You literally have no other option than to hear them out. It would be a good day for you if you don’t get abused at work that day…What a life man…what a life!

People have started looking for the best call center Funny memes over the internet. Most of the people have started their career at BPOs and call centers.



Call Center Memes

They can totally relate to these memes and that is why they love to download call center memes and share them on social media. Often such funny and amusing call center employee meme are made by call center agents themselves.

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Call Center Memes

When they get annoyed or frustrated over some issue that they faced at work, they try to depict it through a meme and share it on the internet. They get their thoughts out through such memes and make everyone aware of the kind of annoying and funny situations they come across at work.

Call Center Memes


You can Download Almost All Memes 

Download all Meme

We hope you like our Call Center memes collection. if you have any kind of question, comment then please let us know through a comment on this post!


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Call center vs Student


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8 thoughts on “Call Center Memes Download | 50* Call Center Employee Meme”

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