Just Neckbeard Things

[20+] Just Neckbeard Things Meme bank Only For Laughter 2018

Nothing is better than laughing over a bunch of memes while scrolling through your social media page. All over Facebook and Twitter pages are filled with hilarious trolls and memes to give us an occasional ‘haa Haa’ while going through our daily news feed. Memes and trolls come on a wide range of topics and issues like school, college, job, parents, typical friends etc. one of the latest ongoing trends is the memes of Just neckbeard things. You must have seen some of its gut-busting trolls and memes on Facebook and Twitter.

If you have not heard of ‘Just Neckbeard Things’ then let’s get you aboard first…

Neckbeard is an urban slang that is used to refer to annoying nerds who feel they are way cooler than others and lack the ability to understand social cues. Their activities annoy people as they mistake people’s strained tolerance as a proof of their charm. A neckbeard is usually referred to a person of age just about 30 who is immensely intolerable for their blabber jabber and sickening jokes.

These memes and trolls usually come with a pic of a big fat man with a shaggy beard in the background. In some cases, the man also wears a Fedora. Most of the jokes are on silly things and are based on dialogues used by neckbeards around the globe.

Neckbeards are self-important without any reason and appear to be shy at first. They are a bit introvert and have very less social experience because of which they don’t get social cues that easily. When you look at a Neckbeard, you are bound to see at least some of the following features or things on them:

When you look at a Neckbeard, you are bound to see at least some of the following features or things on them:

  • A fedora
  • Trench coat
  • Shabbily dressed or over dressed
  • Pedostache (a negligible mustache)
  • Acne filled face
  • Teenie weenie ponytail
  • Greasy hair
  • Obese
  • Beard (if you wish to call a shitty bundle of hair on the chin as a beard, then yes…they do have beard)
  • Usually dressed in black, red or gray.
  • Weird eye behavior
  • Thick glasses
  • Low self-esteem

We have listed down some other characteristics that you might observe in them below. You can find multiple trolls and memes on ‘Just neckbeard things’ on the below topics.

We have got some of the best memes on Just neckbeard things right here.

Chances are that they might be virgin

Most of them still live with their parents

They might be anime lovers

They laugh at things that aren’t even funny

Neckbeards get all awkward and silent at social gatherings and try to avoid get-togethers.

They might be good at card and board games

Most of them are highly educated and are complete nerds

They are gross. They don’t take a bath and often put out a stench like a dead fish.

Just Neckbeard Things Just Neckbeard Things Just Neckbeard Things

We hope you enjoyed the memes and trolls on Just Neckbeard things that we have posted. Feel free to use them in your Facebook posts and Tweets. Don’t forget to put your valuable comments below…