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The Benefits of On-Page SEO – Complete New Guide

If you own a website, it’s essential to understand the basics of on-page SEO. Optimizing your website for search engines can increase your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), leading to more website visitors. Keep reading to learn more about on-page SEO and how it can benefit your website.

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What is on-page SEO?

On page SEO is optimizing a website’s individual pages to rank higher and earn more organic traffic in search engines. On-page SEO tactics include improving a page’s title tag, meta description, header tags, images, and content. On-page SEO can result in increased web traffic and improved ROI when done correctly. The title tag is the first thing that search engine crawlers see when they visit your website. The title tag should be 50-60 characters long and accurately describe the page’s content.


The meta description is also essential for on-page SEO as it tells search engines what the page is about. The meta description should be 155-160 characters long and accurately reflect the page’s contents. Header tags (H1, H2, etc.) are also crucial for on-page SEO. Header tags help to structure your content and make it easier for search engines to understand. Header tags also help to distinguish your main points from your supporting points and can help to boost your page’s ranking in the search engines.


In addition to optimizing your website’s pages, you should also focus on optimizing your website as a whole. This includes adding a sitemap and robots.txt file, setting up HTTPS encryption, and ensuring that your site loads quickly and efficiently. You’ll want to ensure that your site is easy to navigate and that your pages are correctly linked. You can also improve your site’s ranking by including a sitemap and optimizing your images.


What are the benefits of on-page SEO?

There are several benefits to optimizing your site for Google search. First and foremost, on-page SEO can help you rank higher in SERPS (search engine results pages), which means you’ll get more traffic from people looking for what you offer. On-page SEO can also help boost your credibility with potential customers; if they see that you’re ranked highly for the keywords they’re searching for, they’ll be more likely to trust you and click through to your page.


Additionally, optimized sites tend to have better user engagement metrics like time on page and bounce rate; this means that people spend more time reading your content and less time clicking away from it. Overall, on-page SEO is essential to any good digital marketing strategy. You can increase traffic levels, boost conversions, and improve brand awareness by optimizing your website’s content and structure for Google search.


How does on-page SEO use images and videos?

On-page SEO isn’t just about putting keywords into your content. It’s also about using images and videos strategically to capture attention and improve click-through rates. One way to use images and videos strategically is by adding them as supplemental content. Supplemental content is additional information that helps explain or illustrate the main topic of a page. It can be in the form of an infographic, video, or audio clip. Adding supplemental content can help keep users engaged with your page longer, resulting in higher click-through rates and improved rankings.


Another way to use images and videos strategically is by using them as part of your overall marketing strategy. For example, you could create a video that promotes your product or service and embed it on your website’s home page. You could also create an image gallery that showcases your products or services. Images and videos can be used to attract attention online and generate traffic to your website.


Boosting on-page SEO: E-A-T and YMYL


Nowadays, people want reliability in any kind of information that they consume, whether it comes from journalists, politicians, authors, or businesses. That is so because it is very easy to get misinformed when there is a lot of information present about any single topic. The news institutions are questioned all the time to provide evidence for what they are stating. The information provided by them should be true and should come from a reputable source. Search engines such as Google know all about this. 


As a result of that, reverse engineering Google’s algorithms to get top ranking in its search results is not enough. What Google seeks is a complex array of indicators that signal the expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (or in other words, E-A-T) of your website and the people who created that website. The more the E-A-T, the more the chances are to rank higher on the search engine and the more likely will target audience be attracted to your website. 


E-A-T may not be a direct ranking factor but it is featured heavily in Google’s Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. These people evaluate the quality of a page to inform updates in the search engine’s algorithm and therefore, their guidelines provide a genuine insight into a high-quality user experience, as considered by Google. This is very important in Your Money Your Life (YMYL) content which is so-called because of its grave implications on a searcher’s livelihood. A few examples of YMYL are medical advice, mortgages, and stock recommendations. 


Mastering E-A-T is quite simple as it is about the value, reliability, and integrity of the content. Integrity refers to providing genuine information which can be trusted, especially if it is YMYL content. E-A-T is something that can’t be faked and Google can’t be tricked into believing that you have E-A-T when you don’t. Maybe E-A-T is a priority to Google because of the genuineness of content that is provided on it by authoritarian experts in their specific fields.


Google engineers have discovered a way to find out the trustworthiness of a website and therefore, Google’s search engine can easily know about the presence and absence of trustworthiness indicators of a website and consequently rank it according to that on its search page. The idea of E-A-T can frustrate any marketeer and in a situation like that, all you need to remember is that your customer needs to trust you, your expertise, and your reputation. 


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