How To Fix DLL Errors (DLL Not Found and Missing DLL)

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Dynamic-link library:

Often avid gamers and users face with the fact that the system in a “beautiful” moment gives an error like d3dx9_43.DLL or something like that. It indicates the absence of the component in the form of dynamic-link libraries in the system. We will consider why such situations arise and how to fix DLL files errors.

DLL errors :

Fix DLL Errors

You need to clearly understand the nature of error messages. In most cases, they are associated with a malfunction of the bridge DirectX 9 (or rather, his part in the field of Direct 3D), which provides the interaction between the “iron” components of a computer system and a software part of media programs.

Why does DLL errors appear :

The reasons for the emergence of system messages indicating similar errors can be quite a lot. The most common situation is an installation of outdated computer games in the system.Fix DLL Errors

Dynamic libraries are responsible for handling the graphics and the interaction of the accelerator and program files of the game. Consequences are reduced to an inability to start the appropriate drivers of the graphics card.

This situation is typical for older games, in which an installation of DirectX was necessarily, but only for lower versions. Of course, the Windows operating system does not allow the installation of the earlier version, but that may occur with disabled protection or updates. In the process of installing the original components of the newer version are replaced by outdated ones, although the main files may remain unchanged. It turns out the discrepancy between separate software components and as a consequence – the inability of the normal functioning of the whole platform and graphics card in particular.

Fix DLL Errors

How to fix DLL files errors? :

The easiest solution would be replacing or downloading that file.

Today you can find a lot of sites that offer to download it in single player mode. Many sites deal with it. However some of them can hack your computer using ‘wrong’ DLL. Try to use download resources like, which offers a great variety of different DLL.

The downloaded file must be put in a certain place after downloading. In Windows XP this folder is called System32 folder and it’s located in the root directory of the system. If you use a 64-bit version of “seven” or “eight”, the folder will be called SysWOW64.

But downloading only one file of a dynamic library can’t make you sure that the error does not appears again, but in relation to another component. And it may happen again and again. So it would be better to reinstall DirectX



Everyone decides for himself how to fix DLL files errors. If only one library is missing or damaged, you can try to download the missing file. If few files are missed, it would be better to install DirectX again. I hope that my pieces of advice will help you to solve such errors.